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Finding The Calm Within Yourself

Sometimes I feel so- not- calm: I feel excited and happy. We so often have ideas of what it is ok to feel happy about, about how we are meant to respond to life and what is meant to matter.

Today I finished listening to Roxanne Gay's book Hunger: A Memoir of My Body .

As a psychotherapist who has written and tried to think about obesity over many years, including a stint as an expert on the on-line Psychologies magazine, and a piece on body-image in their print magazine, with photographs courtesy of David Bailey I had to read her book.

In fact I listened to it. She read it herself for audible which to me brought something extra to the table. My goodness me, does that woman write well. How wonderful that although I know she is very fat for me her voice and her story came first, before her size.

If you have ever felt large, or discriminated against because of your size I would recommend reading this book. It is so enlivening, hopeful, thoughtful, loving and joyeously incomplete. She does not necessarily live happily ever after, but she goes on trying.

So there is no calm here today, just delight and enthusiasm for life.

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