Em Farrell
I an a psychotherapist working in North London and Buckinghamshire. I have coming up to 30 years experience as a psychotherapist. Whatever the nature of your difficulty you can share it with me. I have trained and taught psychotherapy and counselling for many years.and completed a number of trainings. My aim is to attune to you so that together we can find the best way to work with whatever is troubling you. I won't be trying to squeeze you into into any particular theoretical box.

Contact me at:
Life is hard but it doesn't need to be too hard. Get help with anxiety, depression, profound misery or the on-going effects of cumulative trauma. Come and have an initial consultation and find out how we can work together. It might be quick, it might be slow, it might be in a consulting room in London or walking in the countryside. In my view no therapy works unless you experience the therapy, the space and the therapist as safe enough to talk to. That is the first step that I will help you with.
I have a small specialist practice for families where someone or more suffers from an eating disorder. I take on only two or three families a year.
Click on the links below to find my two books Lost for Words: The Psychoanalysis of Anorexia and Bulimia ​and A is for Anorexia: Anorexia Nervosa Explained
A is For Anorexia is also available at audible.com
I really enjoy supervising, which I do in London and I also run training days on advanced technique for therapists in Aston Abbotts, Buckinghamshire.
Click on the links below to find my two books Lost for Words: The Psychoanalysis of Anorexia and Bulimia and A is for Anorexia: Anorexia Nervosa Explained